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Supplementation supported by evidence-based research and approved by sport governing bodies can improve sport performance. Individuals should first focus on improving their nutrition intake to improve their performance and outcome. Dialing nutritional timing, fuel type, and nutritional density can improve performance better then most manufacture made supplements. 

Athletes competing in recreational athletics or elite competition should fuel their bodies with a well-rounded diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates from a variety of whole foods. As athletes become more specialized in their sport macronutrients can be adjusted to fit the needs of the athletes.

Human performance sciences strive to study what makes a human the most elite at their sport and elite athletes are in constant search of the next best supplement and technological advances. Governing bodies like the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) have ethical expectations to keep athletics fair, safe and natural. Performance Enhancement aids that are artificially controlled to change normal physiological function are considered unnatural ergogenic aids. Natural ergogenic aids enhance performance but come from nature or are biologically found in the human body or environment. Proper training and nutrition influence natural ergogenic like muscle size, weight, biomechanics, mental determination, discipline/ training time. Natural ergogenic aids include athletes' favorable genotypes and genetic dispositions (aka natural abilities) (Loland, 2018).

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Supplements that are not banned by WADA, NCAA or USADA and can influence performance are caffeine, creatine, nitric oxide, bicarbonate, B B-Alanine, Vitamin D, iron, and EAAs with leucine protein (Burke et al., 2019)

For individual recommendations on supplementation for performance schedule an appointment or contact a sports dietitian. 


Dosage: 3-6mg/kg of body weight 

Timing: 30-60min. prior to exercise 


Improves mental stimulation, increases time to fatigue, improves work production, suppresses pain, and mobilizes fatty acids for energy


Dosage: 5g- 3-5 times per day

Timing: Pre and post workout



Improves muscle availability for creatine and PcR to improve performance. Increases in muscle mass and strength

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Dosage: 300-600mg per day

Timing: 90 min. pre-exercise or 6 days prior to event. 


Increases time to fatigue, muscle economy, decreased oxygen cost, increased vasodilation, blood flow, and oxygen regulation

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1-3g 3-5 times a day 

Totaling 1.2-2.9g/kg/day

Timing: Daily 

Performance:  Promotes positive nitrogen balance, improves muscle protein synthesis, decreases recovery time and DOMS

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Natural Supplementation 

The quality, timing, and type of macronutrient influences performance and recovery. For example, protein does play a role in the influence of protein absorption and muscle protein synthesis (MPS). According to the PDCAAS whey hydrolysates from meat, Soy, and casein are all considered high quality, complete proteins.  Branch chain amino acids, specifically; Isoleucine, leucine and valine are responsible for increasing muscle protein synthesis. These are commonly found in meat and milk sources. Whey isolate is the most concentrated high-quality protein with only 10% of other substances like fat and lactose. Hydrolysate has less influence on MPS then Whey protein but more than soy and casein. Isolates and hydrolysates should be taken during or immediately after exercise, because they digest fast. Lowery et al. (2012) compared the MPS of isolate whey, hydrolysates and casein. The results showed increases of MPS and strength during a unilateral squat set and during rest. Hydrolysate and isolate ingested immediately after the exercise set showed the most increases during a 10 week study. Lowery, et al, also observed decreased body fat percentage and increased strength (Lowery et al., 2012). 


Aerobic athletes, especially ultra-endurance athletes can improve their performance by combining carbohydrates with protein. It is also supported by research that athletes that work longer or at higher intensities benefit from higher than recommended amounts of protein (2.3-2.5/ kg of body weight) and carbohydrates (8.2- 8.5/kg of body weight) before, during, and after their training sessions or events. There is mixed research whether there are improvements in VO2max or peak power. Researchers have consistent results with increased time to exhaustion by increasing energy expenditure around exercise sessions (Burke et al., 2019). 


Dosage: 3-6mg/kg of body weight 

Timing: 30-60min. prior to exercise 


Improves mental stimulation, increases time to fatigue, improves work production, suppresses pain, and mobilizes fatty acids for energy


Dosage: 5g- 3-5 times per day

Timing: Pre and post workout



Improves muscle availability for creatine and PcR to improve performance. Increases in muscle mass and strength


Dosage: Adult males: 400mg/day Adult females: 310 mg/day.

Athlete deficiency: 220-260 mg/day.


Increasing the daily intake of magnesium does not improve performance, but athletes need  to maintain a healthy level of magnesium for muscle contraction, oxidative stress and other functions that enhance performance.



1-3g 3-5 times a day 

Totaling 1.2-2.9g/kg/day

Timing: Daily 

Performance:  Promotes positive nitrogen balance, improves muscle protein synthesis, decreases recovery time and DOMS

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Before exercise: 

6-8 ml of fluid per kilogram of BW about 2 hours before exercise

During exercise: Match fluid intake with fluid loss 

Strenuous exercise in the heat: 2-3 L of water per hour.

Post exercise: 

1.5 L of fluid should be consumed with sodium and carbohydrates

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B- Alanine is a well known supplement that enhances exercise capacity and increases muscle buffering primarily in Type 2 muscle fibers. B-alanine, sodium bicarbonate and creatinine are common ingredients found in pre-workout and post workout supplements. (Harris et al., 2009). B-Alanine is necessary for synthesis of Carnosine (B-alanyl-l-histidine) production. Carnosine is a histamine dipeptide muscle buffer that reduces build up of lactate in the muscle. Muscle buffers also reduce the hydrogen ions found in skeletal muscles and reduces the acid build up which causes muscle fatigue. Other causes of fatigue are due to decreased calcium release and/or uptake from the scarolasmatic reticulum. Hydrogen accumulation affects calcium binding the troponin. Hydrogen accumulates quicker during anaerobic exercise and fast twist muscle contractions ( Harris et al., 2009).


Previous research has experimented with different dosages of B-Alanine supplements. The studies reviewed by Sale and Harris (2009) conclude that the better trained athletes are, the higher natural stores of carnosine in the muscle and better muscle buffer when approaching lactate  threshold. Studies compared the impact of B-alanine supplements on marathon runners versus high intensity athletes. Marathon runners and the untrained population had very little change in levels from the biopsy, but there was a 60-65% rise in carnosine concentrations of the gastrocnemius of the high intensity athletes. The athletes did not fatigue as quickly and were able to maintain top speed longer. Specifically, 400m track athletes saw a 35-45% increase of carnosine concentration in the soleus and gastrocnemius from 4 weeks of B-alanine supplements (Harris et al., 2009). 


Research also suggests that elevated levels of carnosine increases calcium sensitivity in the muscle fibers - augmenting force production and total work done Increased fast twitch muscle fibers by improvement of calcium ion sensitivity on muscle contractility in muscle fibers that are capable of producing a greater force. Also, carnosine potentiates force production as a result of sensitizing the contractile apparatus to calcium ions without causing additional release for the g sarcoplasmic reticulum ( Sale & Harris, 2009). 

Nutritional Supplementation of B-alanine improves carnosine stores which reduces fatigue and increases force production during anaerobic exercise.  It is most beneficial for high intensity, short duration athletes that already have higher amounts of carnosine stores. Artioli et al. (2010) review study  that showed greater than 100% increases in Carnosine stores for 16 week high intensity training plans without B-Alanine supplementation term training accumulates carnosine more than short term. It is still up for debate on how effective B-alanine supplements are on athletes that do not have high natural stores of Carnosine or the short term effects. Sale & Harris (2009) did a series of dosages to figure out a safe and effective dosage of B-alanine. A controlled release capsule eliminated paresthesia symptoms but increase carnosine concentrations by 40% in 4 weeks. In Artioli et al. (2010) study participants took 1600mg 4 times a day because the higher the dosages the greatest improvement of carnosine stores used for hydrogen buffering. Research has strongly supported improvements in neuromuscular fatigue which delays exercise fatigue (Artioli et al., 2010). 


A study reviewed by Harris, et al. (2009) showed a serious side effect of high doses of B-alanine. The participants of the Halls, 2007 study reviewed by Harris et al., ( 2009) complained parathesis 60 minutes after taking 40 mg-Kg. They reduced the dosage to 20 mg-kg and then 10mg-kg. Most of the participants did not have side effects with the 10 mg-kg even when they took it multiple times a day (Harris et al., 2009). There are no other prevalent side effects of taking B-Alanine supplements unless athletes are taking too highly concentrated doses.


B-alanine is an effective ergogenic aid in high intensity exercise and is regularly used in elite athletics. The studies on aerobic exercise benefits or exercises shorter than 60 seconds show mixed reviews of changes in performance from a B-alanine supplement (Artioli et al., 2010). Anaerobic athletes will get the most enhancement without side-effects by taking 4g-6g per day for at least 4 weeks. There is an increased dosing with time release capsules. It is very popular for athletes to combine B-alanine with sodium bicarbonate and creatinine. There was not an increase in high intensity exercise performance when B-alanine was combined with creatinine, but there may be an increase with the combination of sodium bicarbonate supplementation and B-Alanine. Sodium bicarbonate acutely increases bicarbonate levels, blood pH and high intensity exercise performance. Combining these two supplements will give the athlete acute and chronic performance ergogenic aid. Research supports positive effects when athletes take 4-6g of B-alanine and .5g/kg/ day of sodium bicarbonate per day for 7 days. There are more side effects when combining the two supplements, including GI discomfort and headaches (Trexler et al., 2015). 


A supplement that is commonly being used in athletics for fat loss and fat free mass building is β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation. Athletes are taught the more protein and amino acids equals more strength and muscle mass, but research demonstrates that this is not necessarily the case. HMB is a metabolite of Leucine and leucine is an amino acid that may increase the rate of fat free mass growth. The most understood effect of HMB or other metabolites of Leucine is that it inhibits protein degradation and can improve performance during repetitive sprints and high intensity resistance training. Kreider et al. (1999) conducted a study on 28 football players during their off-season training. Half of the athletes were randomly selected to take 3g/d of HMB and the other half had a placebo supplement. The athletes followed a four weeks supplement program and worked out five days per week. The group that ingested HMB increased their fat free mass significantly more than the placebo group but there were no changes in strength, speed or improvements in markers of catabolism (Kreider et al., 1999). 


In a more recent study, Fernández-Landa et al. ( 2020) studied the effects of Creatine Monohydrate mixed with HMB supplementation in rowing athletes. The researched the effect of the supplementation on time to exhaustion over a ten week period. One group was given 3g/day of HMB and .04g/kg of body weight of Creatine Monohydrate and the second group was only given the Creatine Monohydrate. The third group was a placebo supplement. The group that took both supplements had improvements in aerobic capacity but similar to the other study by Kreider et al. (1999) there was no influence on strength or body mass index (Fernández-Landa et al., 2020). 


Zanchi et al. (2010) more research needs to be completed the pathways of HMB and the effects on the muscle protein synthesis and protein degradation. Research suggests the Leucine supplements are most likely more effective than the HMB on anti-catabolism in the muscle. HMB and Leucine are the only amino acids and metabolites that are proven to slow down muscle proteolysis during exercise and disease. There is more promising research of supplementation for the elderly, cancer patients and other immune disease patients. Future research points to the slowing down of muscle damage over a long period of time (Zanchi et al., 2010). 


Although athletes want to improve their performance with a quick and easy pill or supplement, a well balanced nutrition plan which calculates their needs according to their body size, sport, and goals promote the greatest improvements in performance. Athletes need to first calculate their energy expenditure and then adjust their macronutrients to their individual needs. After an athlete has regularly accomplished basic nutritional goals then they can be guided by a professional on nutrition timing, periodic action and supplementation. B-alanine has more consistent research for improving anaerobic capacity and power, especially when paired with creatine and carbohydrates. Supplements like HMB are very inconsistent and athletes could be getting results from the placebo effect of athlete encouragement and supplementation (Jeukendrup & Gleeson, 2018). 


BA and HMB



Turmeric is an oriental spice commonly grown in tropical regions. It is composed of three different curcuminoids. Curcumin's chemical name is diferuloylmethane, which has been studied for its effects on illness treatments, pain management, and inflammation. Curcumin is the largest phenolic component and it is found to not only add flavor while cooking but have medicinal and therapeutic properties. Medicinally curcumin has been used to treat several illnesses and disorders including gastrointestinal disease, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Curcumin has been used in eastern medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain reducer. Curcumin has been found to reduce pain from burns, sciatic nerve injury, and diabetic neuropathy. If curcumin affects inflammation due to disease, physiologists theorize that it can affect pain and inflammation due to exercise. Curcumin may have effects on inflammation, pain and soreness after exercise, and muscle recovery. 

More recently, researchers have studied animal and human models for curcumin’s effect on inflammation, mitochondria biogenesis, reduction of oxidative stress, prevention of fatigue, and muscle damage caused by exercise. Specifically, researchers reviewed human supplementation and the changes in serum creatine kinase ( CK), pain and muscle soreness scale scores, alpha tumor necrosis factor ( TNF-x), interleukin receptor antagonist (IL-RA), interleukin-10 ( IL-10), range of motion after exercise. 


Curcumins effects on Inflammation

In Suhett et al. (2020) article reviewed eleven small population studies and most articles showed a reduction in inflammation after exercise. The studies used male participants and doses between 180mg-500m per day. One study's results showed a decrease in IL1-RA and an increase in TNF-x and IL-10 after three days of a higher (500mg) daily dose of curcumin. There were also decreases in interleukin measurements by 19-24% after a lower daily dose (150-200mg) for seven days. Some studies show no significant difference between curcumin supplement groups and the placebo of control groups. There may be a small effect of curcumin on the reduction of inflammation after exercise compared to groups that do not take any supplementation. 

   Recreational cyclists participated in a double-blind controlled study to measure the effects of curcumin supplementation on IL-6, IL-10, and NF-x. These measures predict inflammation levels caused by exercise. In Sciberrus et al. (2015) article, there were no significant differences between the Curcumin group and the placebo group. The population study was small, it was a moderate dose of Curcumin (376mg), and it was one dose given four hours before the trials, and it only measured male cyclists after two hours of cycling. The effects of curcumin on inflammation might be more conclusive when taken for four to seven days and inflammation is measured at least 24 hours after exercise bouts (Sciberrus et al., 2015).


Pain and Muscle soreness

The effects of curcumin on pain and muscle soreness are primarily measured by serum Creatine Kinase (CK) and a pain scale questionnaire. Study results from Tanabe et al. (2019) showed positive effects of the curcumin supplementation group. The Curcumin group was given 180mg/day of curcumin for 7 days. Measurement of CK and pain decreased three days after a resistance training bout compared to a placebo group. Muscle soreness and CK serum concentrations were reduced in seven days (Tanabe et al., 2019). Another study reviewed by S. 2020, reported a short-term (24-48 hour) reduction in CK serum concentrations and pain in the curcumin group compared to the placebo group. Some studies showed no effect of curcumin supplementation on CK in serum concentration and pain reduction. The doses given to the curcumin groups were smaller (60mg/day) and the timelines were shorter. 


Muscle Recovery

The Curcumin supplementation effects on Muscle recovery are less conclusive than its effects on inflammation and pain management. Tanabe et al. (2019) results showed improvements in range of motion and decreases in pain and CK serum concentration. These are markers of recovery for athletes which suggests improvements in recovery time for team athletes (Tanabe et al., 2019). Other studies reviewed by Suhett et al. (2020) studied performance outcomes in track and field athletes. They found a 7.0% increase in muscle performance in the curcumin group (6mg curcumin+ Pepperdine) compared to a placebo group four days of daily intake and four days after the first exercise bout. In a second study, reviewed by Suhett et al. (2020) there were improvements in high jump 24-hours after resistance exercise but were no changes in perceived exertion between the curcumin group and the placebo groups (Suhett et al., 2020). 

In Tanabe et al. (2020) article review on Curcumins effect on delay onset muscle soreness (DOMS), three articles in which participants completed eccentric exercise and took curcumin supplements before or after the exercise trials. The three studies had similar results and the participants were given 180g/day of curcumin supplementation. There was no statistical significance between the Curcumin group and the control group when curcumin was given four days before the trials, but Curcumin given after exercise did shorten the amount of days of DOMS. As far as long-term dosing of curcumin research, there are no studies that result in reduced DOMS. If people are new to exercise and looking for aid in reducing muscle soreness curcumin might have effects in reducing days of soreness. Curcumin supplementation for people who exercise regularly has no research conclusions on reduction of DOMS or muscle recovery for short-term or long-term use (Tanabe et al., 2020). 



Magnesium is an intracellular cofactor that plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions (Cordova et al., 2019). As a cofactor, magnesium has several roles in the musculoskeletal system: muscle contraction, oxidative stress, neuromuscular excitability, energy metabolism, and cellular hydration. Extremely high-intensity exercise and very prolonged steady-state exercise can deplete magnesium, leading to disruptions in muscle functions (Laires et al., 2014). 

Magnesium supplementation is becoming widely accepted in the athletic populations to prevent inadequate levels in the body, but there is no significant research that taking magnesium supplementation above the Recommended Daily Allowance improves performance markers. The average athlete, who eats a diet rich in whole foods, has an adequate amount of magnesium in their diet. The major sources of magnesium include nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (Zhang et al., 2017). 


Functions of Magnesium specifically to athletic performance include energy metabolism, muscle contraction, and nerve contraction. More specifically, the roles in energy metabolism include glucose breakdown, fat oxidation, and protein synthesis during exercise. Some research on magnesium explains positive effects of magnesium supplementation to reduce recovery time by bringing depleted levels back to normal after exercise (Lee, 2017). There is no significant evidence that magnesium is an effective ergogenic aid for endurance performance if magnesium levels are adequate (Heffernan et al., 2019).                      


Research: Magnesium supplementation for endurance athletes 

The impact of magnesium on endurance sports performance and recovery is a popular discussion. Research supports the hypothesis that inadequate amounts of magnesium can be detrimental to athletic performance. When there is a deficiency of magnesium red blood cell count, magnesium concentration, magnesium retention, and skeletal muscle magnesium concentration are decreased. During an endurance race, cramping may occur due to lack of magnesium in the neuromuscular system or the muscle that is fatigued (Zhang et al., 2017). Low amounts of magnesium increase the energy demand for cardiopulmonary function during exercise (Lee, 2017). If athletes over ingest magnesium, it may cause serious abdominal discomfort including diarrhea, cramping, nausea, and dehydration. If toxicity is severe there can be dysfunction of the neuromuscular system, and cardiopulmonary system (Gropper et al., 2021).                                                                                 


Magnesium and energy metabolism 

Magnesium plays a vital role in energy metabolism during aerobic exercise. Endurance athletes are more susceptible to magnesium deficiency, especially when they train for long periods or at high intensities (Cordova et al., 2019). Magnesium distribution is regulated during exercise by cellular diffusion and hormone control.  Higher measurements of magnesium serum are found in the locations where energy is needed most (Zhang et al., 2017). Phosphofructokinase, creatine kinase, and hexokinase use ATP and magnesium for energy production. The Magnesium (ATP) complex is an active substrate for enzyme action. Magnesium binds with enzyme proteins to produce allosteric activation during pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate carboxylase (Cordova et al., 2019). When magnesium is measured an hour after a long run, serum levels are lower in runners. Supplementation could benefit endurance athletes because it replenishes levels and is most likely that athletes require higher amounts of magnesium because higher intakes of magnesium have been shown to correlate with lower oxygen needs and better cardiorespiratory biomarkers (Zhang et al., 2017).                                                                                  


Magnesium and oxidative stress and inflammation

During long endurance events a high amount of oxidative stress and inflammatory injury occur due to any decrease in infiltration, activation of monocytes, and an increase of free radicals. Reactive oxygen species rate increases significantly even beyond antioxidants defenses. Magnesium has two roles in the defense against ROS. It can inhibit catecholamine’s release and it is a cofactor for methylation to prevent oxidation. The second role is the reduction of glutathione (Laires et al., 2014).              


Magnesium and recovery 

There is an association between magnesium deficiency and strength and power loss when athletes are deficient in magnesium. Muscle repair and neurological fatigue could be associated with low magnesium concentration levels (Laires et al., 2014). Magnesium is anabolic and catabolic which may play multiple roles in preventing muscle damage after exercise. In Cordova, et al. (2019) study they tested eighteen professional male cyclists during a 3-week cycling stage race. They divided those athletes into a group that was using oral magnesium supplementation and the second group was that control group (not using magnesium supplementation).  Fat mass loss occurs during long strenuous events such as stage races. The athletes were more likely to be at a deficit due to low storage compartments such as body fat mass. The results showed a significant change in blood proteins that indicated more acute muscle damage with the control group athletes versus the magnesium group. The researchers hypothesized that the performance differences were not due to high supplementation of magnesium, but due to the prevention of inadequate levels of magnesium in athlete blood concentrations (Cordova et al., 2019). 

    Acute magnesium measurements were done in Heffernan et al. (2017) study. Researchers recruited eighteen well-trained endurance athletes that were not currently taking supplements. They took baseline measurements of ionized and total blood concentrations of magnesium and VO2Max. Blood samples were completed in the morning when athletes fasted, before exercise, one-hour post-exercise, two-and-a-half hour's post-exercise, and six hours post-exercise. Magnesium levels were lower than the baseline one-hour post-exercise. The majority of concentrations of magnesium were recovered by the two and a half-hour measurement. But only half of the participants’ ionized magnesium were recovered. At the two-and-a-half-hour post exercise testing, all but two of the participants measurements were back to the pre-exercise measurements. The conclusion from this study is that athletes' magnesium is recovered by the end of the day before endurance training and in some cases, magnesium concentrations are higher six hours post-exercise due to an influx of plasma volume and blood volume (Terink et al., 2017). 



The Recommended Daily Allowance of magnesium is inconclusive. For adult males, it is 400mg/day and for adult females, it is 310 mg/day. For athletes' magnesium deficiency it is most likely between 220 and 260 mg/day. Increasing the daily intake of magnesium does not improve performance, but athletes need to maintain a healthy level of magnesium for muscle contraction, oxidative stress and other functions that enhance performance (Laires et al., 2014). 

There is not good support for magnesium as an ergogenic aid for endurance athletes, even though magnesium influences muscle contraction and ATP production, plasma volume levels, and neuromuscular nerve conduction. The body regulates magnesium use and transportation is influenced by exercise. Endurance athletes seem to have higher magnesium serum in the blood and magnesium measurements in the muscle compared to sedentary adults. When endurance athletes are asked to abstain from exercise, magnesium levels decrease, and they are measured as a deficiency. Therefore, magnesium levels are highly influenced by the amount of exercise a person is participating in and it makes it difficult for researchers to determine the Recommended Daily Allowances for athletes. Most likely any performance enhancement found from magnesium supplementation is due to athletes returning their magnesium up to adequate levels (Heffernan et al., 2019). 




International Society of sports Nutrition: 90kg- 270 mg of caffeine- about 2 cups of coffee. 

  1. A literature review completed by ISSN reported small benefits to caffeine use in athletes. The most common benefit to all athletes is an increase in muscular endurance and reduced perceived exertion. Other benefits include: 

    1. Increases in movement velocity, sprinting, jumping and throwing performance. 

  2. Aerobic endurance is affected and improved more consistently from caffeine consumptions if ingested 30-60 minutes prior to a game. The athlete's caffeine tolerance and size play a role in how great the effects are. 

  3. Multiple studies suggest that 3-6mg/kg of body weight give the athletes the highest improvements in exercise performance without any side-effects. 

  4. Improves cognitive function and focus or attention during games, especially when someone is sleep deprived

  5. Athletes are recommended by WADA to ingest less than 10mg/kg of body weight of caffeine a day to prevent side effects. 

  6. If you believe it will work! It will most likely work. 

  7. Can increase power and vertical jump by small amounts. Strength of strength and power combine has larger effects on team athletes. Most of the studies exploring power and speed are small and not every athlete has improvements from caffine. 

  8. 241- increased the number of total and offensive rebounds 

  9. Regular consumption of caffeine can create a tolerance, but research suggests that after 6mg per kg of body weight of caffeine does not enhance performance. 


Negative Effects of caffeine: 

  1. If any athlete is stressed, anxious, burnt out of exhausted caffein can enhance those symptoms. 

  2. Sleep needs to be a priority for athletes 

  3. School is a stressful time and lack of time management or business can disrupt sleep patterns. Caffeine should not replace rest. Athletes need sleep for muscle recovery, cognitive awareness and mood stabilization. 

  4. Good quality night sleep can prevent more attention, decreased muscle repair, immunity, memory and learning loss and enhances performance as much as caffeine. 

  5. Tachycardia and heart palpitations, anxiety, beach aches, and insomnia 

  6. Be aware of overheating. If you are playing or practicing in a warm environment. Caffeine can contribute to increased heart rate and overheating. 

  7. Caffeine does not seem to decrease hydration as long as athletes are practicing normal hydration practices. 


FAO and WHO defines probiotics as:

“ Live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”

▪Probiotics contain live, viable, defines microorganisms in sufficient numbers to provide beneficial health effects.

▪Probiotics change and influence gut microbiome.

  • Microbiome is mix of trillions of macrobacteria in your intestines.

  • Everyone’s microbiome is different




▪Increases anti-inflammatory properties

▪Decreases episodes of IBS and diarrhea

▪Improves the immune system

▪Improves absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals 

▪Increases absorption of vital nutrients for performance and recovery

▪Improve absorption of Amino Acids

▪Increase all metabolic pathways for energy production

▪Improves immune system during and after intense training timelines. 

▪Improves muscle buffering activity




Electrolytes and water stay in balance throughout the body by osmotic pressure, renal function, and hormonal regulation. Sodium is the most prevalent electrolyte in the body and assists with the transport of water through the extracellular fluid compartments. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ( RAAS) hormones control sodium and chloride reabsorption and assist in kidney function. When sodium and water need to be excreted from the body, natriuretic peptides promote the loss of sodium by increasing glomerular pressure and filtration rates. The majority of sodium is excreted through the urine, but sodium loss also occurs through the skin. When exercising, in moderate temperatures, at a low-intensity sodium loss is small. When exercising at high levels athletes, sweat contains about 50 mEq/L or more in hot temperatures (Gropper et al, 2021). 

Sodium supplementation is used during races amongst 83-96% of ultrarunners and endurance athletes. There is no consistent research that proves electrolyte supplementation is associated with the prevention of muscle cramping, nausea, and hyponatremia. Sodium has been proven by research to improve plasma volume expansion during long runs. In previous research, sodium intake during exercise also contributes to the decline in serum sodium when athletes are rehydrating with water to body weight loss (Lipman et al., 2021). 

A study by Lipman et al. (2021) completed a large observational analysis on 266 runners from multiple races to assess the association of sodium supplementation as a weight-based predictor of race performance in ultramarathons. The researchers hypothesized that there would not be a significant association between sodium supplementation and race performance measurements (Lipman et al., 2021). 



The race observed was a 50-mile leg of a multi-stage ultramarathon in Chili and Patagonia. Runners were offered the same amount of water and carried all their food and gear. The runners documented what brand of sodium supplement and their protocol for rate and ingestion of the products during the event. The athlete’s finishing time, body weight, serum sodium measurement, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine were taken pre-race and post-race (Lipman et al., 2021). 

For the Statistical analysis, ANOVA was used to measure significant relationships to sodium consumption and demographic variables. A chi-squared test was selected for the distribution of categorical variables from the sodium-based grouping. For the final results, the Pearson’s product-moment correlation was used to test for linear relationships between dosing consumption rates and finishing times (Lipman et al., 2021). 


Sodium supplementation rates or doses were not significantly correlated to race performance. There were no statistically significant associations with hydration levels, dysnatremia, or race performance between different groups of runners. Runners that finished in the top 25th percentile were more likely to be dehydrated. According to Table 3, post-race dehydration was measured in 35% of the low sodium intake group, 32.4% of the medium sodium intake group, and 36.7% of the high sodium intake group. The statistics were all very similar when observing pace, hydration status, and total race time (Lipman et al., 2021). 



Even though the majority of ultramarathon racers use sodium supplementation during races there is not a significant correlation to race performance or finish time. Sodium intake did not prevent cramping, fatigue, nausea, or hyponatremia according to this study. Increasing sodium intake can cause an increase in thirst and increase runners' risk for overhydration. Overhydration was significantly correlated with slower race paces and longer finishing times (Lipman et al., 2021).

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